6th of June in Sweden

By Beyondo, 12. Jun 2023

Sweden’s Nationalday

Date:     6th of June

Country: Sweden

Reason for celebrating this day: Gustav Vasa came to the throne as Sweden’s next King in 1523

Traditions: Sweden raises their national flag, it’s an official Salutday, Army has a parade from Logården

It used to be called : Svenska flaggans dag (1916–1983)

Sweden’s National day or “Svenska flaggans dag “ is always celebrated on the 6th of June every year and is an official bank holiday in Sweden. Before the day was only known as "Svenska flaggans dag" and it’s since 1983 on that this day is officially a national bank holiday. Furthermore, is this day also a Salutday?

The 6th of June is being celebrated in honour to remember the crowning of King Gustav Vasa on the 6th of June 1523. 

Things to know about the 6th of June in Sweden

Not everyone is celebrating the 6th of June. In the beginning, only approximately  1 of 3 Swedes were actively celebrating this day. On the more positive side, it is proven that the latest records show that this group has increased by almost 31 per cent of the total population.


princesstårtaAnother new tradition is coming from the King of Sweden. Since the 6th of June has officially become a bank holiday, the King has proclaimed that everyone is welcome in the king’s castle for free. So no entrance fee is charged. Keep in mind though. Not all the parts of the castle are open for visitors. Still, it’s very impressive and one gets a real “royal” feeling walking through these corridors and chambers.

Many Swedish traditions are connected with traditional food. Take for example Christmas which is known in Sweden for the Christmas ham, Easter is known of course for the eggs and not to forget one eats herring with Midsummer. In tradition with this the 6th of June is more and more known for grilling and picnicking in the beautiful nature that Sweden has to offer. Lately, it’s also become more common to eat the “smörgåstårta”.

 So you see it’s all about traditions and most of all enjoying life, so enjoy this 6th of June!

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