Why work with Beyondo?

Discover the endless possibilities with Beyondo as your recruitment partner. 

quotation (2)    Crafting the perfect team is like assembling a puzzle. Let us do the puzzle-solving, so you can focus on painting the bigger picture of your business success. quotation (3)



Beyondo is more than a name; it symbolizes our deep expertise across crucial business sectors in Sweden. Sweden is our focus market, however with our expertise we can assist you in the Netherlands, complemented by valuable partnerships in Germany.

What makes us stand out is our commitment to understanding local cultures and professional nuances. This, we believe, uniquely qualifies Beyondo to be your trusted cross-border companion in talent acquisition. Our approach is personal and dedicated, driven by a sincere desire to contribute to your success. Trust Beyondo not just to find great talent, but to build real connections that fit your business journey perfectly.


More than a CV:

For us, a CV is merely a snapshot, not the complete picture.

In a recent case, a client initially expressed reservations about a candidate's resume. However, we continued to emphasize how the candidate could bring substantial value to their team. As a result, the client decided to interview the candidate, ultimately leading to a successful hire. We are dedicated to uncovering the full potential of candidates and ensuring they align perfectly with your organization's needs and culture. 

Tackling Unconscious Bias:

Our very foundation lies in a simple observation: All around the world, talented individuals face career impediments due to unconscious biases. They're underrepresented, undervalued, or simply unnoticed. This is not only an injustice – it's a loss for the companies that could have benefited from their talent. That is why as a recruitment company, our core purpose is to provide objective and unbiased advice to bridge this gap and empower both candidates and companies.

We're all about building real human connections. We're proud of our open approach, where we constantly question the usual way of doing things to make sure we find the best person for the job. 

A commitment to Inclusion: 

At the heart of our operations is a commitment to fostering diversity. We're not just advocates of a diverse workforce – we're practitioners.
We had a candidate with an non-traditional background who might have been overlooked by local recruitment practices. We took the time to thoroughly understand their unique strengths and how they could bring a fresh perspective to our client's team. Through our advocacy, the candidate not only secured an interview but also received an offer, ultimately making a significant impact on the company's business.
We're all about commitment. It's not just meeting expectations; it's exceeding them, setting higher standards, and forging new paths. At Beyondo, we focus on a candidate's skills, not their name, to ensure fairness.




So why work with Beyondo?

If you're looking to grow your business, expand your teams, or replace an employee, and you need assistance in identifying your recruitment needs and finding the right new colleague, Beyondo's approach is tailored to overcome these challenges for you.

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Our products and services

Navigating international talent and company's recruitment needs

Learn more



"We needed a recruitment partner to support our growth plans but couldn't quite define our exact needs.

Choosing Beyondo was a clear decision. Their personalized guidance & unique network of highly skilled, multinational resources gave us much more choice. Their ability to more accurately identify the right candidate skill & personality wise, saved us time, making them the perfect choice.”


"We experienced an excellent collaboration with Beyondo, appreciating your unique and flexible recruitment style. You stand out from traditional  recruitment firms by giving all candidates a fair chance. The advertisement was impressive, and the follow-up was both professional and pleasant. The candidates you provided were of high quality and a good fit."


"We need a new team member, and your track record of providing excellent candidates gives us confidence in your ability to commence the search." 


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Our recruitment process

Comprehensive, customized and client-focused


To attract international talent and seize opportunities in Sweden, successful recruitment demands a combination of universal practices, cultural awareness, and a deep understanding of the local legal and professional landscape. This approach is not confined to Sweden; it resonates globally.


Essential qualities and practices for recruiting international talent:

  • Understanding of local work culture and values.
  • Knowledge of local (Swedish) Labor Laws and Immigration Rules
  • Multilingual capability
  • Global networking skills
  • Adaptability
  • Cultural sensitivity and inclusivity
  • Strong marketing and Employer Branding
  • Comprehensive support
  • Effective use of technology
  • Open communication
  • Continuous learning
  • Partnerships with (Swedish) Universities



Understanding of Swedish work culture and values: 

Sweden is known for its flat organizational structures, consensus-based decision-making, and a strong work-life balance. A good recruiter needs to understand these cultural nuances to both present Sweden attractively to potential talents and ensure that those talents are a good fit for Swedish workplaces. It is also necessary to have knowledge of Swedish Labor Laws and Immigration Rules. This includes understanding work permit requirements, visa processes, and other regulations for employing international talents.

While many Swedes speak English fluently, being able to communicate in Swedish can be a huge advantage, especially when dealing with local agencies or stakeholders. Additionally, proficiency in other languages can be beneficial depending on the regions from which you're recruiting.

Our recruiters have an extensive network that spans multiple countries and industries, making it easier to identify and connect with top international talents.

Recognizing, respecting, and valuing differences is crucial, our recruites are not only be aware of the cultural differences but also be trained in implicit bias and cross-cultural communication.

Our recruiters,  have a good sense of being commercial minded and understanding employer branding. Selling both the role and the benefits of living and working in Sweden can be pivotal. This involves highlighting aspects like quality of life, social benefits, educational opportunities, and the progressive nature of Swedish workplaces.

Offering support with relocation, integration, housing, and even understanding the Swedish social and cultural scene can be instrumental in making the recruitment process smoother for international talents.

Understanding of the Swedish Education and Qualification System:

This can help in equating qualifications from other countries to the Swedish standard.

Keeping open lines of communication with candidates is essential, especially since international recruitment might involve longer timelines due to logistical reasons.

Many universities in Sweden have international students who might be looking for opportunities to stay and work in the country after graduation. Building relationships with these institutions can be a great source of skilled talent.



Our team and drive for success:

We speak fluent English, Swedish, Dutch and German. But what distinguishes us is not only our language proficiency, but our ability to understand and navigate different cultures. We know how business is done, relationships are built, and success is achieved across borders. Our team combines the best of both worlds – the pragmatic precision of Dutch business culture and the inclusive and innovative nature of Swedish work culture. 

For us, recruitment is not just a transaction. It is a chance to positively impact people's lives and business success. Our genuine interest in helping people shines through every interaction. Each candidate is an individual with unique experiences, skills and ambitions. We strive to see the whole person, not just their professional profile.

quotation (1)   With Beyondo, you're not just hiring a recruitment agency; you're partnering with a team that's as invested in your success as you are. Let us bridge the gap between your company and the international talents ready to drive your success. quotation




Flip the card

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

Karin Björkman Tendijck

Proud Founder

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With a rich background in hospitality management in Switzerland, a successful recruitment career in the Netherlands, and a stint in Germany, Karin Björkman returned to Sweden to establish her own recruitment company specializing in international talent. Driven by a genuine interest in helping businesses thrive with the right talent, Karin is multilingual, (Swedish, Dutch, English and German), approachable, and strong in building succesful partnerships.

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“To infinity and beyond!”

Guido Tendijck


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As a recruiter, Guido brings a unique approach—it's all about people. With a background in both hospitality and IT, and experience in Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands, Guido understands the intricacies of connecting individuals and solving the hiring puzzle. Since 2017, he's been an integral part of building a recruitment company in Sweden, alongside Karin Björkman. Guido's international experience, multilingualism and cultural adaptability fuel his passion for understanding what makes people thrive, making him your ideal partner in recruitment.


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"90% of what we worry about never happens."

Elisabeth Fogelström

HR Advisor

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Elisabeth is a seasoned HR professional with over a decade of experience in recruitment, talent management, and HR management in Sweden. Fluent in multiple languages and dedicated to driving organizational success, Elisabeth brings a unique blend of expertise to HR project managment. Nominated for the Employer Branding Person award and with vast experience in employee engagement and cultural diversity, she has a deep understanding of client needs and delivers tailored solutions. Elisabeth is committed to helping businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape.