Three things you need to know about a Swedish personal number

By Beyondo, 9. Aug 2022

When living and working in Sweden, you will need a Swedish personal number to identify a person: a 'personnummer'.


What is a Swedish personal number?

The Swedish ‘personnummer’ is a 10-digit number and it is structured in a similar way to a personality.

You can read more about the personal identification numbers and coordination numbers on the website of the Swedish Tax Agency. (Swedish Tax office


Why do you need a ‘personal identification number’/ personnummer?

You will need a Swedish personal identity number to get around as a citizen in Sweden. It is widely used throughout daily life in Sweden, for memberships and subscriptions, opening a bank account, renting or buying a house or all healthcare purposes.

How do I apply for a personal identity number in Sweden/ personnummer?

You apply via the Swedish Tax Agency.


Who is entitled to a Swedish personal number?

If you plan to live in Sweden for a longer period, you will need to register and be listed in the Swedish Population Register and register as a resident in Sweden. Your details such as name, address, date of birth and civil status will be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency. Once you are registered as a citizen in Sweden with the tax authorities, you will receive a personal identity number, a ‘personnummer’. The Swedish Tax Agency decides if you meet the requirements.

Coordination number in Sweden (samordningsnummer)

There is also something called coordination number (read more here), which was introduced in 2000. These are assigned by the Swedish Tax Agency and enable the Swedish public authorities and other organisations to identify people who are not currently – or have never been – registered at an address in Sweden. For more information we recommend you to read the following link Swedish tax office, moving to Sweden.

Are you interested in more information on life in Sweden? Read our news on living in Sweden and  Working in Sweden.